Michelle Eaton-Lusignan is the executive director at the English Community Organization of Lanaudière in Rawdon. Michelle is on the podcast to look back on her years at the helm of ECOL and to contemplate the growth of the organization she and her team have set in motion.Ericzone Podcast: Episode 39 (En)September 17th 2021 Michelle Eaton-Lusignanwww.ecol-lanaudiere.orgEriczone Podcast is available on BaladoQuebec.com and Apple Podcast. Listen to the Podcast on Spotify, YouTube and Stitcher. Thank you very much for subscribing, liking and sharing the podcast.www.ericzone.comwww.facebook.com/ericzonecomwww.facebook.com/ericzonepodcastwww.instagram.com/ericzonecomwww.ericzone.wordpress.comwww.twitter.com/ericzonecom
Tags: [{"value":"rawdon"},{"value":"lanaudière"},{"value":"ecol"},{"value":"entrevue"},{"value":"anglophone"},{"value":"English"},{"value":"interview"},{"value":"discussion"},{"value":"Michelle eaton-lusign